Monday, May 26, 2008

five years

it took them five years. he told me. I admire him. them.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

things are fine

things are fine. we are studying and running and practicing yoga and cooking and baking. and watching our favorite TV series (yes, we joined the local crowd watching Israeli Survivor..)
our long break is stretching a bit longer than expected but we are really trying to make the most of it and keep up the good spirits.
personally, there are things i'll take on with me once this period is over; known Clichés such as 'perfect is fragile' and 'nothing comes easy' get a new meaning. I can't wait for 'good things come to those who wait' to become relevant.

Friday, May 02, 2008


i don't care if it's accelerating or simply fast. i can also get along with cruise control for a little while. what i don't like is when i can't control it. i hate it actually. i loath it.

so i run. and run. and i keep pretty decent and steady pace. and i weave dreams where i'm the king of pace. the indisputable-absolute-master of pace.