Wednesday, August 20, 2008


two pints. fish&chips. crisp air. amazingly clean city as if it is being constantly washed/wiped. money; everything shouts 'money'. double decked red buses. bond st. oxford st. suits. ties. clients. FIX protocol. gate/triton/ghp. focus. connectivity. communication. deadlines. away. alone. in the same table with two others. apparently they are jewish. not serving beer. going out to get a pint from the nearest pub. pRonouned pUb. accents. so many accents. i love it. i want to live here. i want to live in so many places. HK-PH-HZLA-TLV-LDN. "it was tough. why can't things be simpler!@?!?@" ; "because then you do not appreciate them to the fullest...".
and found.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

95% humidity, Typhoon 2do list and a call from hr

here is the starting of a post I wrote during the first week of July:
"the plot takes an interesting twist. interesting enough for a post, that's for sure. details will sure follow but for now I'll say these are quite amazing times. and I'm writing this just so that I remember these very moment down the road. an acquaintance told me this weekend that 'life will not challenge you with challenges you can't handle'. she knows what she is saying.

a month later - and I'm working in HK, completing my carrier move. wow. hard to believe. situated in hong kong soho, at the very center, in a small yet ultra convenient service apartment. learning what 95% humidity is. learning what 95% humidity feels like when wearing a suit. experiencing my first Typhoon. which involves a typhoon check list at work. crazy stuff. i think i now believe that everything is possible. i think it is part of growing up.

work is doable. there is lots to learn and I feel the energy again. i really am happy and can't stop wondering about the amazing way (7 months' long) that led me here. away from N for the longest time ever. i miss her. first incident at work today when colleagues approached me with a question i, surprisingly, not only understood but could also answer. :)

Ms. A, head of hr, called me 2 hours ago telling me that some other colleagues brought to her attention the fact that I don't have working visa yet, might impose a serious legal problem to the company's directors. she told me not to come to work tomorrow. like i wrote earlier, after the various twists and Typhoons - I can resist even the most peculiar phone calls. hhhmmm. T called me after to apologize for the inconvenience. what a man.

life is interesting. from 'same shit, different day' to 'every day, different story'. i like it better this way...

Sunday, August 03, 2008


when this blog was created, it was given the strange name of 'thirtiesap'. which should have been thirties apac. or thirties asia pacific. I absolutely have no clue what made me think/believe that I will spend my 30 something years here in the region: there was a one year contract in Beijing. that's it. only a one year contract with a 'doing not so good' company.

and now, here I am in Hong Kong. 33 and 6 month + change. and I will probably stay here for the next 2-3 years which will make the proffecy from mid Sep 2006, an interesting one. I mean - D told me that I was certain all the way that I will be in China during the Olympics. technically, I'm in China :)

so, despite the hard times and the challenges we will be facing, I should never forget the following:
- I left to a journey without knowing what I'll find, believing in my self that (in the beginning... )
- Tactically, decided to move back to Israel in order to find something cool in APAC.
- I fulfilled my wish to change an industry.
- The joy of accomplishing shadows the dark pits of despair.

bottom line: the strategy and the tactic moves worked. never forget. never. this is the most important lesson. and now I know and will always remember that you need a goal; a target; now I really understand why the first course in my MBA was 'Strategy'.

This month of MILUIM will be a long one. back on Sep 29th to Israel for final packing and back here in our new city first week of September.
I've changed; There's no Black and White anymore. it is more shades of grey. no good without bad. the trick is to keep a positive balance...

thiritesap. 6.5 years to go.